
Radical Nonviolence

Dr. King was committed to radical and pro-active nonviolence to overcome what he called the “Triple Evils” of racism, poverty and violence. As we embrace the King legacy, remember that – in the fight against injustice – nonviolence does not mean passive acceptance; it means peaceful resistance. Our work is to create a culture of nonviolence to bring us closer toward fulfilling Dr. King and Coretta Scott King’s dream of the Beloved Community.

We adopt the means of nonviolence because our end is a community at peace with itself.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Beloved Community

Dr. King envisioned the Beloved Community as a society based on justice, equal opportunity and love of one’s fellow human beings. At DMI, we aim to work with leaders and organizations from around the world to create a more just and humane society so that together we can all build a Beloved Community. No one individual or organization can do it alone.

Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.