Black Pastors Rally Outside Ahmaud Arbery Trial After Lawyer Tries to Ban Them

Hundreds of mostly Black pastors gathered Thursday to pray outside as the trial of three men accused of killing Ahmaud Arbery continued, the Associated Press reported.

The gathering was in response to comments made by a defense attorney requesting the removal of “any more Black pastors” after Reverend Jesse Jackson was sitting with Arbery’s family during the trial.

Reverend Al Sharpton announced the organization of the rally in response to the comments, leading to Thursday’s gathering including “Black pastors matter” signs and #JusticeForAhmaud buttons with Arbery’s picture worn by many of the pastors in attendance.

The rally drew prominent figures like Martin Luther King III, son of the famous civil rights leader Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., as well as other pastors from across the country like Reverend Gregory Edwards from Pennsylvania.

Read the full article at Newsweek.